Thursday 31 January 2013

funniest video ever

lol funniest video ever seen
give it a try..

To enter in the secret menu in Nokia Phone.

  To enter in the secret menu in Nokia Phone.

On the main screen type
*#92702689# [*#war0anty#]

It will take you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:<br/>
1. Displays Serial Number.

2. Displays the Month and Year of manufacture.

3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MM YY)

4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)

5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

hIdE yOuR fILeS iN aNy PhOnE w/O nY sOfTwArE

Just follow this simple steps

1.Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that's to be hidden.
2.Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad
3.Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So,I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar
4.And thats it!My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with .jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes.

To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.
working on my phone... try on urs...if lyk then don't forget to share..!

Saturday 12 January 2013

fUnNy ShAkInG bRoWsEr TrIcK

Browser Shaking

This is a fun little trick that can create a shaking screen on your web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, etc..)
The trick is simply a small Java Script that causes your browser window to move to different positions, causing a shake of your entire screen. It's kind of cool to watch and see what Java Script can do! Try it out..
Use this trick at your own risk.
Here's how:
Copy this entire line and paste it onto your address box, then press Enter:

javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)

wIn Xp GaMe SeCrEtS

Game Secrets
 Solitaire: Instant Win
  1. Press Alt + Shift + 2 to instantly win
 Solitaire: Draw only 1 card (instead of 3)
  1. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift then click on unopen cards to draw.
 FreeCell: Instant Win
  1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 while playing, then click Abort.
  2. Now move one card.
 FreeCell: Hidden Game Modes
  1. Go to "Game" menu choose "Select Game"
  2. Here you can choose from game mode 1 to 1,000,000. But -1 and -2 will also work (hidden modes)
 Hearts: Show All Card
    Warning! this requires a modification on your registry. Be sure you follow the steps carefully. Damage your registry might damage your Windows.
  1. Open the "Registry Editor" by: "Start" >> "Run" then type "regedit" and press Enter
  2. Expand to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts
  3. Right-click on the right panel and create a new String value with the name "ZB"
  4. Double-click to open this key "ZB" to edit its value. Then enter "42" and close the Registry Editor.
  5. Start Hearts and Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F12 to show all the cards
 Minesweeper: Stop The Timer
  1. When you start to play a new game, the timer is ticking...
  2. Press Windows Key + D to show desktop.
  3. Now come back to the game by selecting it from the taskbar. The timer is stopped.
  1. Unlimited Balls: Type bmax at a new game to get unlimited balls (no notification).
  2. Extra Balls: Type 1max at a new game to get extra balls.
  3. Gravity Well: Type gmax at a new game to activate Gravity Well.
  4. Promotion: Type rmax at a new game or while playing to get instant promotion and raising rank.
  5. Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
  6. Extra points with partial shots: Partially shot the ball just to pass the yellow light bars. There are 6 bars. With the first bar, you'll get 15,000 points, 2nd: 30,000,...
  7. Test Mode: Type hidden test with a new ball or new game. Now you can use your mouse to drag and move the ball where you want.

tOp 10 GoOgLe HiDdEn TrIcKs.

Below is a list of our top ten Google tricks many people who use Google don't know about.
Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For example, typing: define bravura would display the definition of that word.
Local search
Visit Google Local enter the area you want to search and the keyword of the place you want to find. For example, typing:restaurant at the above link would display local restaurants.
Phone number lookup
Enter a full phone number with area code to display the name and address associated with that phone number.
Find weather and movies
Type "weather" or "movies" followed by a zip code or city and state to display current weather conditions or movie theaters in your area. For example, typing weather 84101 gives you the current weather conditions for Salt Lake City, UT and the next four days. Typing movies 84101 would give you a link for show times for movies in that area.
Track airline flight and packages
Enter the airline and flight number to display the status of an airline flight and it's arrival time. For example, type: delta 123 to display this flight information if available.
Google can also give a direct link to package tracking information if you enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking number.
Translate text, a full web page, or search by using the Google Language Tools.
Pages linked to you
See what other web pages are linking to your website or blog by typing link: followed by your URL. For example, typinglink: displays all pages linking to Computer Hope.
Find PDF results only
Add fileType: to your search to display results that only match a certain file type. For example, if you wanted to display PDF results only type: "dell xps" fileType:pdf -- this is a great way to find online manuals.
Use the Google Search engine as a calculator by typing a math problem in the search. For example, typing: 100 + 200 would display results as 300.
Quickly get to a stock quote price, chart, and related links by typing the stock symbol in Google. For example, typing: msft will display the stock information for Microsoft.